Return and refund policy
We dedicate significant time and effort to ensure that every product we deliver meets your exact specifications. To support this focus, please carefully review our Return and Refund policy.
No Returns: All our products are custom-made to order, tailored to your unique specifications. Because of this highly personalized service, we cannot accept returns. Before giving the final confirmation for your order, we encourage you to double-check all customization options (size, color, design) to ensure they meet your satisfaction.
No Refunds: Due to the nature of our business model, that involves custom-made products, we do not offer refunds. Please note that after you have given your final order confirmation, we immediately begin the process of creating your product, allocating supplies and resources. Consequently, any cancellation requests made after providing final order confirmation cannot be respected.
Product Issues: If you receive your order and there is a product defect or the product does not match your original order specifications, please contact us immediately. Upon receiving your complaint, we will review the case and endeavor to rectify any genuine errors as quickly as possible.
We aim to guarantee your satisfaction. If you have any concerns or need assistance with your order, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We are here to help, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation regarding our return and refund policy.